Honestly! Wooden toys be better? :)

Honestly! Wooden toys be better? :)

If you were to ask Google the 'wooden or plastic toy' question, there would probably be a shower of articles praising the wooden toy and counterarguments favoring some plastic ones. 

Wood or plastic?

Wood is better than plastic; it's more durable and environmentally friendly because it's biodegradable; it's a natural material, and some toys may be manufactured from sustainable wood. And so on. 

Then, plastic toy enthusiasts would reply that there are worthy competitors out there to challenge the kids' creativity with building blocks, magnetic blocks, tiles, etc., and that we, as responsible parents, can give these toys up for recycling when kids outgrow them. And, thanks to toy safety regulations, plastic toys are as safe as any other natural toy out there.

Now don't get me wrong. As a wooden toy manufacturer, I'm not going to praise plastic. But I'm not a hypocrite either, and I will admit to seeing my children playing for hours with some toys made from colorful oil. 

That said, let me list a few reasons I believe wooden toys are superior to plastic:  

  • Each wooden toy, be it an adorable animal figure or something as big as a dollhouse, will be unique. Let's take a horse figurine, for example. In a wooden one, you will often see and feel the grain of the wood. Hold two of our horses next to each other, and you will see that the wood grain differs, and the shape and the paintwork will be slightly different because they are the work of artisans. Each toy receives its soul through the talent and dedication of the people that work on them. On the other hand, two horses that came from the same mold in a factory will always be and feel the same.
  • Wooden toys give out warmth when you hold them in your hands. Plastic seems smooth as glass, cold and over-processed. Also, have you ever smelled a wooden toy? What about a Lego piece? :P
  • Most wooden toys are open-ended, a concept that boosts imagination and creativity (but more on this subject in a future blog post). In contrast, many plastic toys on the market are single purposed, noisy, and flashy and only do little (if anything) for children's creativity and imagination. 
  • Wooden toys help adults (I'm not going to say parents here) and children create a strong bond. Smaller kids that don't have the skills necessary to play alone will often need guidance to play with wooden toys. But don't be afraid, because it's time well spent. Noisy, flashy toys will only create a distraction and will not teach the child anything.
  • There isn't any evidence to suggest that kids playing with toys made from natural materials behave differently from those with plastic toys. But let me ask you this. Don't you find yourself more relaxed when surrounded by natural textures? Why would it be different for children?

So what should I choose?

In the end, I would always choose any toy that helps my child make a story up to get something out of the play because this type of play lays excellent foundations for future learning and concentration in school.

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