Let them climb trees, build sandcastles, and run around until tired

Let them climb trees, build sandcastles, and run around until tired

Nostalgia flows through me while I write these words, and probably after 2 weeks of spring break spent with the children and no grandparents to help.

As a child growing up in the 90s, my days were spent outside with my friends. From the moment we got home from school, we'd rush to change into our play clothes and head out to run around in the sun. This was when playing outside was the norm, and we didn't have any fancy gadgets to keep us entertained (cable TV was still in its infancy, mind you). We had each other, and that was enough.

Piatra Neamt, Romania, was a great city to grow up in as a kid. Our neighborhood was full of kids our age, and we spent hours playing games like tag, hide-and-seek, and so many ball-related games that I lost track of in the meantime. :) There was almost no traffic to care about, and we'd ride our bikes up and down the streets, and sometimes we'd even venture into the woods at the edge of our neighborhood to explore (we were lucky enough to have those nearby). It was the kind of childhood where we had to use our imaginations to create our own fun, and we did just that.

During the summer, we'd spend our days at the community pool (in which we usually sneaked in), jumping off the diving board and playing Marianas (one player jumps in a particular style, cannonball, let's say and the others had to copy the player, under the penalty of being thrown in if they didn't). Then, when we got tired of swimming, we'd sprawl out on our towels and talk about nothing and everything all at once. Table tennis was another popular sport among us, but the concrete tables went through so many balls that it was a rather expensive sport. :))

In the fall, we'd rake up piles of leaves and jump into them, feeling the crisp air on our faces. We'd collect chestnuts and pinecones and pretend they were treasures or use them for various activities. Sometimes we'd even build forts in the woods, using sticks and leaves to create our secret hideaways.

Looking back on those days, I realize how lucky we were to have such a carefree childhood. We were free to be kids without the pressures of technology weighing us down. It was a time when the simple pleasures of running outside with your friends were enough to make you happy. And I wouldn't trade those memories for anything.

In today's world, children spend more time indoors than ever before. Technology has become a constant presence in their lives, and it's easy to get sucked into the never-ending cycle of screens and devices. But children still need time to play outside, to explore and imagine and create their own fun. They need to experience the world and form connections with their friends and nature. It's healthy.

So if you're a parent or a caregiver, make time for outdoor play. Take your children to the park or the beach, or the woods. Let them climb trees, build sandcastles, and run around until tired. Help them create memories that they'll cherish for a lifetime. Because when it comes down to it, those are the moments that matter the most.

Bluey's mom sums it up perfectly in the episode about chess. "Work on their heads later. For now, just hearts!"
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